The Hub

Hiring employees is expensive. Retaining them is difficult. Leverage these tips to make the onboarding process smooth as silk and launch careers on a high note.

1. Draft Them to the Team:

Camaraderie is the name of the game in an effective workplace. Integrating new members into the team isn’t as simple as hiring them; it requires attention and outgoing to make a newbie feel at home. Take simple steps like introducing them to their coworkers and making sure their first shift runs without a hitch.

2. Leave the Paper to the Trees:

Paperwork is tedious, particularly when it’s on paper. Spread out the forms so your initiate isn’t drowning on his or her first day. Bonus points if the footwork can be done digitally.

3. Set Objectives:

Vagueness is a productivity-killer. So is lack of motivation. Set some short-term and long-term goals for your new-hire — it takes ambiguity out of the job and shows her that you have faith in her abilities.

4. Work Hard, P(l)ay Hard:

Encourage your employees to go the extra mile. Establish incentives to stimulate hard work and additional learning. The sky is the limit: happy hours, prizes, store-wide recognition, etc.

5. Hop on the Tech Wagon:

Millennials are tech-savvy. Put them in their element by using training apps, team messaging systems, and employee engagement software.