The Communications Quagmire

The Communications Quagmire

The frontline is the infantry of enterprise. Workers on the sales floor have the single-handed power to sway the results of transactions every minute, and the commanders at corporate are ready and willing to guide them. … Ready, willing, and… unable. Why? Here’s a...
How To Leave The Disengagement Party

How To Leave The Disengagement Party

It’s the party of the century. Expect $500 billion wasted per annum; a 120% attrition rate nationally; lagging morale; and plummeting productivity! The best part: just about every company that fields frontline employees is already there. Yes — it’s the frontline...
The Simple Art Of Kudos

The Simple Art Of Kudos

The grind. The slog. The drudge. There are many names for the too-common culture of disillusionment that stagnates in many companies. There aren’t many remedies for it. At some point along the line, preserving the status quo became an acceptable business model. The...