Ashish Gambhir • September 4, 2017 • news
Hiring employees is expensive. Retaining them is difficult. Leverage these tips to make the onboarding process smooth as silk and launch careers on a high note. 1. Draft Them to the Team: Camaraderie is the name of the game in an effective workplace. Integrating new...
Ashish Gambhir • July 10, 2017 • news
There is some ambivalence between the arts and the business communities Is there any real use for the plays of Beckett or the paintings of Delacroix? The idea that the arts could boost your business might sound like something out of a poorly-received fantasy novel,...
Ashish Gambhir • June 30, 2017 • news
It’s the mythical workspace: fun, productive, and complete with a fully stocked beer fridge. It’s also a reality that millennial employees increasingly expect and demand. Evidence shows that there’s method to the office happy hour and pool table madness: employee...
Ashish Gambhir • June 19, 2017 • news
The problem We hear it all the time: “My company has no need for mobile performance data; we already print it out and put it back of house every morning.” This mindset is rooted in the twentieth century, and ignorant of the shifting tides of the workforce. Make no...
Ashish Gambhir • June 5, 2017 • news
The $500 billion question How can we get hourly frontline workers to commit to our company? Everyone seems to have a solution — or six, or ten. We’ve all seen the headlines: “5 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement.” Can it be that easy? Actually, it’s easier. The flow...
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